January 9, 2025
Archangel Metatron
Church of Veganism » Creed of the Relon

Creed of the Relon

PREVIOUS: What is Relonism?

The Creed of the Relon as communicated to the First Prophet of Relonism by Archangel Metatron as messenger of the Divine Source of All Creation.

We Relons of the Church of Veganism believe:

That no human being should have unatural dominion over another human being

That no human being should have unatural dominion over another non-human sentient being

That no human being should have unatural dominion over the earth

That human beings and non-human sentient beings are equal in the eyes of the Creator

That the earth and everything on it is conscious and contains the Divine Spark of Creation

That the universe is conscious and infinite and the Divine Source of All Creation is infinite consciousness

That both Heaven and Hell are frequencies of existence

That the path to ascension to Heaven begins with the daily practice of Veganism and is possible with the spiritual guidance of Relonism

That non-Vegan human beings have created Hell on Earth for both human beings and non-human sentient beings

That it is a mortal sin to consume the flesh and secretions of non-human sentient beings

That non-Vegan human beings who consume the flesh and secretions of non-human sentient beings will be cursed with disease and death

That non-Vegan human beings who do not accept Veganism and convert to Relonism are destined to reincarnate in Hell on Earth for eternity

That the only path to redemption and salvation to escape the curse of disease and death and eternal reincarnation to Hell on Earth is for the non-Vegan to become “Born Again” and accept Veganism and convert to Relonism

That although plants are conscious, Relons are permitted to consume them as they were created by God as food for humanity

That Relons do not permit the introduction of gene-altering substances into the body that interfere with or integrate with human DNA

That Relons no longer consume water or any other product that contains flouride in order to keep the pineal gland free from calcification

That Relons do not cover their face as it is considered sacrilege to cover that which was created in God’s image

That Relons do not blindly follow a single source of truth or knowledge as do those of the dominant monetheistic religions but are open to seeking wisdom from all sources of knowledge that collectively make up the Akashic records

That Relons learn and practice the mystic arts of old to reignite that which has become forgotten and learn to develop the psychic abilities that have become dormant

That Relons gain insight from the divination practices of old including Astrology, Numerology, and associated methods of Fortune Telling

That Relons should attune themselves with nature and take heed of the symbolic and sacred knowledge contained within sacred geometric patterns

That Relons study the esoteric methods of the Kabbalah to understand the mysticism of old, including the wisdom of the Rosicrucians

That Relons study the wisdom contained in all sacred texts, but pay particular attention to the Books of Enoch, the Kybalion and the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, and the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

That Relons practice methods that achieve higher states of consciousness such as yoga and meditation, but pay particular attention to the practice of Kundalini Yoga

That Relons will not attract their soulmate or twin flame in the third dimension if their soulmate or twin flame are not also Relon, that is, if they do not vibrate at the same frequency as Relonism

That Relons should make Vegans aware that they will not attract their soulmate or twin flame in the third dimension if their soulmate or twin flame are not also Vegan, that is, if they do not vibrate at the same frequency as Veganism

That Relons cannot ascend the third dimension nor enter the Gates of Heaven if they associate themselves intimately with non-Relons because one’s vibrational frequency is affected by those around, thus one absorbs the lower frequencies of low vibrational beings hindering one’s own Heavenly Ascension

That Relons should make Vegans aware that they cannot become Relons if they associate themselves intimately with non-Vegans because one’s vibrational frequency is affected by those around, thus one absorbs the lower frequencies of low vibrational beings hindering one’s own Spiritual Development

That Relons should seek out their personal Guardian Angels for guidance on their spiritual journey and take heed of the Angelic Code contained in repeating numbers

That it is the duty of every Relon to act as advocates for the rights of non-human sentient beings who cannot speak for or defend themselves from the tyranny of human supremacism

That all human beings are potential Vegans, and all Vegans are potential Relons, and that it is the duty of all Relons to promote Veganism as a daily practice, and to promote Relonism as the spiritual path to Heavenly Ascension

And, that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience

So it shall be written, so it shall be done.


PREVIOUS: What is Relonism?

Church of Veganism