NEXT: Relon Creed
The Church of Veganism defines “Relonism” as:
Relonism is a divine frequency that attracts those who exist in a higher vibration than non-Vegans who are chosen by God to act as the Shepherds of the Innocent.
Church of Veganism
The Relonism religion has adopted the symbol of the Merkaba (Chariot of God) to represent the new One World Religion as instructed by the Divine Creator through the messenger Archangel Metatron thus conveyed to the First Prophet of the true New World Order as will be taught by the next Living Spiritual Guide in the new Age of Aquarias.

Followers of the Vegan Religion known as Relonism are called Relons. The word Relon is derived from the first three letters and the last two letters of the word “religion”. The use of a word derived from the word “religion” itself is entirely intentional because an underlying premise behind the creation of Relonism is the reclamation of religion from the manipulation and deception of the clergy of the dominant monetheistic religions.
Archangel Metatron (Celestial Scribe of the Book of Life) has written that both sons of Abraham – Ishmael who gave rise to the Twelve Tribes of Ishmael and Isaac who gave rise to the Twelve Tribes of Israel both existed and lived their lives on the same frequency as that of the Relons. Thus, the Prophet Muhammad father of the Islamic faith and the Jewish teacher and healer Jesus of Nazareth were both Vegan.
The leaders of religion have corrupted the true purpose of its creation for its purpose is spiritually divine in nature and redemption of the soul is not possible when the true teachings of the Spiritual Guides have not been followed and the practices of the faiths of earth are contrary to the will of God who holds all creatures both human and non-human as equals both on the earth and in the heavens.

The Gatekeepers of Christianity have deceived the followers of their faith as their is inherent wisdom contained in the apocryphal texts such as the Books of Enoch which holds truths and knowledge that were purposely not included in the Bible. Other ancient texts such as the Kybalion and the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, and the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean contain hidden knowledge.
Notwithstanding the precepts of Buddhism which include to “abstain from harming living things” and the principle of Ahimsa in the Hindu faith which includes “not causing harm to other living things” the majority of Buddhists and Hindus are not Vegan and are not true followers of their faith nor do they live their lives in accordance with the will of the Divine Source of All Creation if they are not Vegan.
Thus, the Divine Creator has set forth instruction for the creation of Relonism the new One World Religion comprised of followers who convert to Relonism and who must become Vegan before they can become Relon. Archangel Metatron has decreed that the world of humanity will face a great calamity unlike anything humankind has seen before because of the sins of non-Vegan humans who have created Hell on Earth.

And so it has been prophesied that in the Age of Aquarias those who do not accept Relonism as the New World Order in which Veganism is a required daily practice will not enter the Gates of Heaven and will be condemned for all eternity to reincarnate in the third dimension upon the remnants of the earth and will suffer the same fate and torment that they have inflicted on non-human sentient beings.
In the new Age of Aquarias it is foretold that the establishment of the Church of Veganism will usher in a new wave of Relons who will act as the Shepherds of the Innocent and will be tasked with the creation of Sanctuaries across the earth which will harbour those (both human and non-human) who cannot defend themselves from the wickedness of humanity.
It is the duty of every Relon to advocate for the Voiceless Ones who are Children of God. It is the duty of Relons to educate those who would listen on how compassion is universal and how the practice of the persecution of others based on species is the epitome of evil and those who would be so arrogant to consume the flesh and secretions of the innocent will be cursed by disease and death.

It is the wish of the God of All Creation that humanity embraces Veganism and in turn becomes Relon and seeks out the spiritual guidance of Enlightened Ones chosen by the Living Spiritual Guide who will prepare the faithful with the knowledge of frequency required to ascend to the heavens as Angels of the Lord just as Enoch ascended to become Archangel Metatron who stands at the right hand of the Throne of God.
So it shall be written, so it shall be done.
NEXT: Relon Creed