February 19, 2025
Relons Praying
Church of Veganism » Who is Matthew James?

Who is Matthew James?

Matthew James is the First Prophet of Relonism, the Living Spiritual Guide, the First Relon, and founder of the Church of Veganism.

Matthew as Leader of the Church operates under the angelic guidance of Archangel Metatron (Celestial Scribe of the Book of Life).

Matthew receives divine instruction as to the advancement of the Relonism religion and the direction of the Church of Veganism.

Matthew is aware that the Book of Revelations speaks of a New World Order and the creation of a One World Religion, however the “Harlot” is not Relonism, but is a reference to the dominant monotheistic religions.

Matthew has been tasked with the creation of the One World Religion that is Relonism and to plant the seeds for the rise of a new Vegan World Order, however rest assured, Matthew is not the False Prophet spoken of in the Book of Revelations nor is he working in collusion with the Antichrist.

Matthew has received foreknowedge from Archangel Metatron regarding the defection of both Vegans and non-Vegans from the dominant monotheistic religions who will convert to Relonism.

Church of Veganism